About Us
Welcome to Monroe!
At Monroe, our students experience unique opportunities to engage in real-world learning. They self-select into a pathway of learning based on their interests, which serves as a learning guide for their classes, electives, and extracurricular activities. Our structure allows our students to engage with curriculum, guest speakers, and networks that are focused around their interests. We prepare middle school students for high school by giving students and their families ownership of tracking their credits, while still supporting them in the process. Parents are partners in that process.When students leave Monroe, they are better equipped for high school course options, scholarship opportunities, and extracurricular activities that align with their interests and goals. They also make tangible progress towards college and career readiness.
Our inclusive family structure provides a safe environment that encourages all students to realize their full potential. We empower our students to be global citizens by embracing the whole learner with engaging, relevant, and high-quality instruction.
Growing successful global scholars while fostering a passion to learn, navigate and transform the communities in which they live.
Monroe Demonstration Academy is committed to empowering students to become global citizens by embracing the whole learner with engaging, relevant, and high-quality instruction. Monroe is set to create a safe learning environment that fosters a lifelong passion for learning and prepares scholars for the future.
- Select from a wide variety of specialty courses and programs, including advanced courses and electives for high school credit
- Interact with a diverse group of peers, teachers, and school staff in a safe and engaging school environment
- Engage in a holistic learning experience that focuses on academic and social emotional development
Expanded learning activities
- Able Athletes
- Anime Club
- Arts & Crafts Club
- Barber
- Bike Club
- Broadcast Club
- Boy Scouts
- Campfire Pride Club
- Campfire Survival Club
- Chess Club
- City Year Tutoring
- Coding/Robotics
- Cosmetology
- Debate Club
- Flag Football
- Gaining Ground
- Garden Club
- L.I.F.E. Club
- Mi Cultura
- Tai Chi Club
Athletic Programs
- Basketball
- Cheer
- Football
- Soccer
- Track and Field
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
Monroe Demostration AcademY
6th - 8th grade
2010 E. 48th St. N.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74130
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Phone: 918-833-8900
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At a glance
Extracurricular Offerings
Athletic Programs